Andrew’s Return! / Music Festival – III Sinestésicos UFFS (July.7.2012)

We are insanely happy to announce that Andrew is back as our drummer!

As our now ex-drummer was about to leave the band, we talked to Andrew and he really wanted to come back, so we’re now reunited!

There’s no words to describe how happy and revived we are now.

So, we played again at the music festival of Sinestésicos here at our hometown, and with Andrew’s return then we played with both drummers there. Our ex-drummer Gabriel played the first and second songs as his farewell, and then Andrew jumped in and played the last three.

Each band had between 20 to 30 minutes to play, so that’s the reason we got only 5 songs to show.


– American Idiot (Green Day)

– Hero (Nickelback)

– Pain (Three Days Grace)

– The Kill (30 Seconds to Mars)

– Wicked Game (HIM)

And now the photos! LOTS of photos!

First, getting everything set up…

During the first songs which we played with our ex-drummer:

The break to change drummers…

And the rest of the concert then went in a really energetic pace.


(photos by Raíza Mesquita, as the ones from Halloween)


Stay with us, we’ll be back with more news soon, so check this blog for more!

Music Festival (Sinestésicos UFFS – Nov. 2010)

So, last year on Nov. 13th we played on this music festival that happened here in our town, organized by UFFS for their arts program.

It’s a late post about it, but oh well…

We participated along with 4 other bands, and we were the 3th to play. Some complications happened, with the sound, equipment and stuff, partly ’cause they were probably not used to dealing with rock bands. The soundcheck in the morning was alright, but the actual concert in the afternoon was a little nightmare ’cause of all the problems. Actually, we couldn’t hear each other during the whole thing, but we mannaged to play everything the way it was supposed to be. Oh, and we were the only band playing it’s own songs.

In the end everything went well and we made it really great for our first real live performance, despite all the stressful moments. And that was all we needed, to know we’re really capable.